
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 counseling 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

REST 80 -房地产原则    ( 3.00 - Units )
本课程是房地产专业的基础课程. A broad range of real estate subjects are introduced to the student in this course. 讨论的主题包括不动产和个人财产的收购, ownership, 不动产中的不动产, 租赁关系, partnerships, 销售合同, homesteads, 契约及税项. 融资方式, 房地产实务, 以及联邦和州对房地产行业的监管.

  1. 认识到房地产在社会中的重要性;
  2. 培养与他人沟通房地产利益的能力;
  3. 解释不动产和个人财产的区别;
  4. 培养对适当的财产收购的批判性思维能力.

REST 81A -房地产的法律方面    ( 3.00 - Units )
The course begins with a detailed overview of the role of law in real estate, the roots of U.S. 包括美国在内的法律.S. constitution, legislatures, statutory law, as well as criminal and civil law. Legal Aspects of Real Estate covers specific California law as applied to real estate problems; origin and sources of California real estate law; contracts in general; real estate contracts; law of agency and regulation of agents; classification of property; easements; acquisition and transfer of interests of property; methods and incidents of ownership; land description; proper recordation of deeds and records. The course introduces the student to legal concepts that apply to all law as well as to real estate. 其中一些是:谈判解决, antitrust law, price fixing, boycotts, 时效占有, 替代性争议解决, arbitration, mediation, 在法院打官司, jurisdiction, discovery, motions, the trial, RESPA, escrow, 执行判决, appeal.

  1. 解释房地产法律的基本原理.
  2. 描述合同义务.
  3. 认识到法律指引在房地产交易中的重要性.
  4. 列出各种不同的争议解决方式.

REST 82A -房地产评估    ( 3.00 - Units )
This class serves as an introduction to residential real estate appraisal. It covers the basic principles a residential real estate appraiser would use to complete an appraisal and determine the value of a residential property. Such as: 评估的目的 最高限度和最佳利用 数据收集方法和来源 价值要素 清算价值 书面评估报告 The course goes into detail of how an appraisal is completed and the required steps to develop an industry accepted reliable residential property value. The nationally recognized appraisal standards of United States Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) that appraisers must comply with are outlined and explained. Lastly, the actual appraisal report, oral and or written, is reviewed and explained to the student.

  1. 识别价值的特征
  2. 认识到评估在社会中的作用和好处
  3. 列出评估的用途.

REST 83 -房地产金融    ( 3.00 - Units )
This foundational Residential Real Estate Finance course will introduce the student to the basics of residential real estate finance. The course covers the basics of borrowing money to buy a home and how the overall financing process works including; 投资及回报 所有权的投资 债券投资 Securities 投资风险 Diversification Loan buy downs Loan points 可调利率贷款 掠夺性贷款 本课程将探讨美国的商业模式.S. 联邦财政和货币政策, including the Federal Reserve System and the tools the Fed uses to regulate economic growth and implement monetary policy. The different finance markets and the financial instruments used in the mortgage industry will be reviewed in detail, 包括笔记的类型, 从属子句, 转让和加速条款和贷款价值比. An analysis of loan and property qualification is also explained as part of the overall home financing process. In addition, 联邦住房管理局担保贷款的政府资助计划, VA-Guaranteed贷款, Fannie Mae, 房地美和吉利美(GNMAE)的解释.

  1. 描述政府政策在房地产金融中的作用
  2. List the differences between the Primary Mortgage Market and the Secondary Mortgage market.
  3. Develop the ability to recognize attractive financing options for real estate
  4. Explain real estate financing options and programs in the primary and secondary markets

REST 84 -房地产实践    ( 3.00 - Units )
The Real Estate Practice course reviews the principles and practical techniques of operating a residential real estate business. This course places an emphasis on the daily activities of residential real estate brokers and salespersons. 所涵盖的主题包括代理关系的法律责任, 物业上市协议, 房产定价和销售技巧, 准备和谈判报价和购买协议, 物业融资, 成交及物业管理. Financial advantages of investing in real estate are covered in detail including; tax advantages depreciation cash flow leverage sale-leaseback

  1. 认识到歧视
  2. 了解如何准备一份有约束力的报价
  3. 解释PSA购销协议
  4. 识别代表消费者的隐性、显性和系统性偏见
  5. 确定偏见的历史/社会影响
  6. Determine actionable steps students can take to address their own implicit biases in real estate transactions
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of both state and federal housing laws as they apply to the real estate profession, 房地产专业人士和房地产行业

房地产物业管理    ( 3.00 - Units )
本课程涵盖房地产物业管理, which, 从广义上讲, 是政府吗?, operation, 还有一处房产的维护. The different types of managed properties explained range from rural single unit residential properties to high rise office skyscrapers in the city center. The federal, state and local laws pertaining to the management of property are reviewed in detail. Each and every property has a property manager and a property management plan with goals and objectives. 本课程将详细介绍该结构, strategy, implementation, including government and legal aspects of managing properties large and small. 这门课探讨了紧急程序的复杂性, 风险管理, criminal and security precautions and limiting the risk of all kinds as it relates to managing and owning real estate.

  1. Describe accessibility modifications necessary for housing to comply with government regulations
  2. 解释物业经理和资产经理之间的区别
  3. 说出并解释影响物业管理的商业周期
  4. Describe how property management industry assists the public and users of of real estate.
  5. Describe ways in which a property manager relates to the construction industry.
  6. Explain how the Property Management field provides a service to property owners.

REST 90 -考试准备:CA许可    ( 2.00 - Units )
This course is designed to prepare the student for the State of California DRE licensing examination. In the course of that preparation many real estate topics are covered in examination format. 以下内容将包括: 不动产和个人财产的取得, ownership, 不动产中的不动产, 租赁关系, partnerships, 销售合同, homesteads, 契约及税项. 融资方式, 房地产实务, and regulation of the real estate business.

  1. Apply strategies for scoring at an individual's highest potential on the State of California Exam
  2. 区分各种房地产合同
  3. 列出并解释房地产合同的强制性组成部分
  4. 学生将能够准确地使用房地产术语.
  5. Student will be able to explain the difference between personal property and real property.
  6. Student will be able to explain the difference between real estate sections and real estate townships.